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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tips On Buying A Bike

Tips On Buying A Bike

Your choice of bike: Your first bike will not be your permanent one. Consider it to be your trial bike and choose accordingly. Do not spend a large amount on this, as you will not be keeping it that long.Size touring bikes are heavier in fact they can weigh up to 800 lb and unless you are really planning on traveling quite a bit may not be your first choice. Cruisers are a little lighter and more maneuverable. Sport bikes are the lightest.Purpose tour bikes are good if you plan to do some traveling but may not be good for everyday travel. Cruisers are a nice easy ride and their classic design is really something to be proud of. However if you want to just hang out with friends and not spend too much the little sport bikes might be more to your taste. However be warned, these little bikes come with a big punch. They have powerful engines and need to be handled carefully or they can spin out of control.Price: Touring bikes can be quite costly. You may want to hold off if you are just starting out on your biking experience. Cruisers are again fairly costly and if you customize them they can rack up quite a bill. For a cheaper and smaller bike the little sport bikes might be more within your budget.

The decision to buy a used or new bike will depend on several factors the biggest one being how much you have to spend. Used bikes will of course be cheaper but there is a hang up. You are not aware of the history of the bike and just how well it might run. A new bike however does come with a guarantee and you can be pretty sure that it will run good.

When taking into account the costs for your bike always remember insurance. Obviously the bigger your bike the more you will be paying. Shop around and do your research before you buy insurance. A good way to find insurance companies is either online or through the yellow pages.

When you get more proficient and become an expert with your bike you may want to graduate up to a cruiser or even travel in style with a touring bike. Your choice of bike will depend on many factors. Bikes are a very personal mode of transport and you can make your ride uniquely you. Part of the beauty of bikes is to make them your special set of wheels. Once you have got over the initial investment they are quite economical to run. There is nothing like the freedom you experience when you take to the open road with your bike.

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